
Five Tips for Collecting, Keeping and Organizing Your Medical History
f you haven’t been keeping your own organized version of your medical history, you’ll experience this kind of curiosity every time you’re in a doctor’s office. What do those files say? Do they have my entire medical history? Does this doctor know about my appointment last week with the specialist? Does he have the full history of my illness?

Narcolepsy? Yawn. Here Are Some Sleep Disorders You’ve NEVER Heard Of!
If you thought sleep disorders consisted merely of sleeping too much, or too little—you probably don’t know about the rare sleep disorders that can cause you to sleep for up to 21 hours a day--for months! Or about the screening for a bug-bite induced sleep disorder...

Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome and Summer Heat: How Can You Stay Cool?
One of the major symptoms of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome is something called heat intolerance. Many POTS patients can’t regulate their body’s core temperature, causing periods of excessive heat to induce fainting, nausea, and extreme dehydration. As the summer begins, make sure to read over these few tips on how to protect yourself from heat.

Unexplained Chest Pain? It Could be Costochondritis—What Does it Feel Like—And How Do You Treat It?
You’ve been told by your doctor, that it’s not a heart attack, so why are you in so much pain? Chest x-ray shows your lung didn’t collapse. So what else can make your chest feel like someone whacked it with a baseball bat?

Feeling Sick? Five Best Bowls of Soup in Boca Raton
by Ilana Jacqueline From Mizner to Boca West and back again, if you’re driving around Boca Raton looking for a bowl of soup I’ve got your road map. The following recommendation took many years of stomach aches to compile. Each bowl is a regular favorite....

Chronic Illness Management and Concierge Medicine: Four Services You’re Not Getting at Your Current MD.
There’s a lot of places you’ll want to be when you’re sick—your own, comfortable bed with the covers pulled up high, at your mother’s kitchen table, inhaling a soothing bowl of matzo ball soup… The last place you’ll want to be is a crowded waiting room at your local...

Mast Cell Activation Disorder: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment Options
Abdominal pain, intestinal cramping, burning pain, cough, conjunctivitis, difficulty focusing, headache, hives—and the list goes on. For patients with MCAD, life is a continuous pinball machine of symptoms blasting from one organ system to the next.
Mast Cell Activation Disorder (MCAD) is a complex condition that can cause disruption everywhere from the gastrointestinal tract and skin to the cardiovascular respiratory and neurological system.

What Happens During a Sleep Study and MSLT?
If you wake up choking in the middle of the night, are told that you babble or fight in your sleep, or have difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or staying awake—your doctor may recommend you have a sleep study done. A sleep study is done to diagnose several...

Have You Ever Heard of Gastroparesis? How to Diagnose, Treat and Eat for this Complex GI Disease
Ever had a good meal that just stayed with you? If you happen to have gastroparesis you’ve probably had plenty of good meals that stuck around long after the party was over. Delayed Gastric Emptying is another name for the truculent disease which slows or stops the...

POTS & Nutrition: The High Sodium Diet, Vitamins and Malnourishment
Because you didn’t have enough on your plate, life with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome also includes a multitude of strange and unpredictable stomach woes. Just about everything in a POTS patient’s diet is unfamiliar to most spectators—from the high sodium...