
Fibromyalgia, POTS & Other Chronic Illness: Exercise and Deconditioning
You know when doctors tell you that your condition would be improved if you would just exercise? And you nod your head and think, boy that’s a novel idea. I never would have thought to build up my muscle strength in order not to feel sick and weak. You’re a genius....

Letter to School Nurse: My Child Has POTS
Are you a parent with a child who has Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome? It's important to work with your child's school medical personnel to make sure they're aware of your child's condition and can assist them during emergencies. Below is a letter you can...

How is Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) Diagnosed?
How is P.O.T.S Diagnosed? When you suspect you may have P.O.T.S there are a variety of tests that your general physician or cardiologist can run to confirm the diagnosis. While there are a multitude of tests to confirm autonomic dysfunction—including bowel motility...

Recent Study Finds Promising New Treatment for Diabetics with Prior Heart Problems, as well as those with “Widow Maker” Heart Attacks
For diabetic patients like 46-year-old Mac from Boca Raton, FL, a second heart attack may no longer be a concern. Though it’s a medical treatment that’s been in use and approved by the FDA for over fifty years, Chelation Therapy has recently been proven to potentially...

Chronic Illness Workshop–Now Online
Did you miss our January Chronic Illness Support Group and Workshop? You can still catch up on Dr. Santa Maria’s advice and guidance in the Youtube below. Don’t forget to also check out our support group handout page for printable documents!

CHRONIC ILLNESS SUPPORT GROUP AND WORKSHOP TO BE HOSTED BY DR. SANTA MARIA: January 25th, 2014 A new workshop and support group for patients with chronic illnesses will take place at Boca Raton Regional Hospital later this month. Boca Raton, Florida., January 08, 2014...

Increased sympathetic reactivity may predict insulin resistance: an 18-year follow-up study.
Flaa A, Aksnes TA, Kjeldsen SE, Eide I, Rostrup M. Department of Acute Medicine/Cardiovascular and Renal Research Center, Ullevaal University Hospital, N-0407 Oslo, Norway. [email protected] Abstract Insulin resistance and sympathetic activity are related by...

Insulin increases sympathetic activity but not blood pressure in borderline hypertensive humans.
Anderson EA, Balon TW, Hoffman RP, Sinkey CA, Mark AL. Department of Anesthesia, College of Medicine, University of Iowa, Iowa City 52242. Abstract We have previously demonstrated that physiological hyperinsulinemia in normotensive humans increases...

Neuroadrenergic dysfunction along the diabetes continuum
Diabetes. 2012 Oct;61(10):2506-16. Epub 2012 Jun 4. Neuroadrenergic dysfunction along the diabetes continuum: a comparative study in obese metabolic syndrome subjects. Straznicky NE, Grima MT, Sari CI, Eikelis N, Lambert EA, Nestel PJ, Esler MD, Dixon JB, Chopra R,...

Sympathetic nervous system and insulin resistance: from obesity to diabetes.
Esler M, Rumantir M, Wiesner G, Kaye D, Hastings J, Lambert G. Baker Medical Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia. [email protected] Abstract As the world faces an obesity "epidemic," the mechanisms by which overweight is translated into insulin...