
POTS Support Group Meeting and Webinar: Dec 7th, 10:00AM- Boca Raton
Our next support group will take place on Saturday December 7th at 10:00AM at Boca Raton Regional Hospital's Education Center. Interested attendees are welcome to attend both in person and through our webinar. Directions to the center can be found here. To come to...

POTS Webinar Recording, Now Available
We want to extend our gratitude for those who came to the webinar and asked question both live and via email before the event. We were overwhelmed by the interest and attendance and are already planning our next support group and online webinar. Unfortunately we did...

Register for POTS Support Group Webcast!
We know many of you want to make it to a support group--but can't do to obvious health issues! We will be hosting a live support group in Boca Raton on September 14th from 10AM to Noon. If you are unable to attend, but still wish to view and potentially...

Buyer Beware: EWG’s Ultimate Guide & Top Tips for Safer Products
Public health laws allow: Almost any chemical as an ingredient in personal care products Misleading and incomplete labeling of ingredients Unsubstantiated claims about product benefits No required safety testing of products or ingredients What can you do? Navigating...

What is Meant by the Term “Dysautonomia?”
As you may know, the prefix “dys” or “dis” in English refers to abnormality of or simply indicates “not” or the negative of the word it is attached to. If you are “dis”-interested you just don’t want to hear about it. If you have a “dis”-ease you can’t get comfortable. So when something is said to dysfunction it just isn’t going the way that it is supposed to go.

Seven Questions to Ask During Your First Appointment
As a concierge physician, I take both my time and my patient’s time very seriously. I generally devote about an hour to my initial consult with a patient. This gives me an opportunity to review their medical history with them, assess their current state of health, and...

Having Trouble Sleeping? Ask Dr. Santa Maria
What natural supplements can help me sleep? What are some starter medications for insomnia? What foods should I add and avoid in my diet to provide better sleep? What medications cause sleep disruption? What other activities might be affecting my sleep?

How to Treat a Sunburn
Rehydrate. Spending long hours in the sun that result in a burn, probably means your dehydrated as well. Make sure to refuel with lots of water. Next, consider taking an ibuprofen to ward of pain and inflammation. Next, you can run a cool or lukewarm bath which will allow your body to soak in moisture and ease irritation. Not able to shower? Apply a cool, wet compress to the sunburnt areas.

Video: What is P.O.T.S? (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome?)
An introduction on postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome.

Ask Dr. Santa Maria: What Causes Brain Fog? And How Can We Treat It?
Many POTS patients suffer with brain fog—a symptom that causes patients to feel confused, lack clarity, and feel inattentive or unable to stay focused on a thought. Though it may not possible to test for brain fog, it’s a symptom that patients will learn to recognize on their own. It is a common complaint of patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Fibromyalgia, and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome.