Dr. Santa Maria is a concierge physician working in Boca Raton, FL. He works with all types of patients and specializes in cardiovascular disease treatment and prevention, nutrition, lipid management, weight control and chronic illness.

Working with patients with rare, genetic, and autoimmune diseases — helping them to manage their condition with ease and comfort..





What is Meant by the Term “Dysautonomia?”

What is Meant by the Term “Dysautonomia?”

As you may know, the prefix “dys” or “dis” in English refers to abnormality of or simply indicates “not” or the negative of the word it is attached to. If you are “dis”-interested you just don’t want to hear about it. If you have a “dis”-ease you can’t get comfortable. So when something is said to dysfunction it just isn’t going the way that it is supposed to go.

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How to Treat a Sunburn

How to Treat a Sunburn

Rehydrate. Spending long hours in the sun that result in a burn, probably means your dehydrated as well. Make sure to refuel with lots of water. Next, consider taking an ibuprofen to ward of pain and inflammation. Next, you can run a cool or lukewarm bath which will allow your body to soak in moisture and ease irritation. Not able to shower? Apply a cool, wet compress to the sunburnt areas.

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Santa Maria Medicine