Dr. Santa Maria is a concierge physician working in Boca Raton, FL. He works with all types of patients and specializes in cardiovascular disease treatment and prevention, nutrition, lipid management, weight control and chronic illness.

Working with patients with rare, genetic, and autoimmune diseases — helping them to manage their condition with ease and comfort..





Saline Therapy: Hydration Found to Be a Powerful Tool in Treatment of Dysautonomia (POTS)

Saline Therapy: Hydration Found to Be a Powerful Tool in Treatment of Dysautonomia (POTS)

Dysautonomia is the kind of illness that comes unique to every patient. When the autonomic nervous system misfires and dysfunctions, it can leave a patient with a host of perplexing symptoms that affect nearly every major organ system in the body. From heart-pounding Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia to painful gastroparesis and disorienting migraines—this is an illness that is difficult to diagnose, and even more difficult to treat.

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WEGO Health Presents: Dr. Santa Maria Answers Your Question on POTS!

WEGO Health Presents: Dr. Santa Maria Answers Your Question on POTS!

Earlier last month Dr. Santa Maria sat down with Health Advocate and Dysautonomia patient, Ilana Jacqueline, to discuss Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. Questions were sent in during the previous weeks by patients from all over the world. The just-under-an-hour program answers all your questions on everything from medications and treatments to saline therapy and Gastroparesis.

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CDC Reports: First Chikungunya case acquired in the United States reported in Florida

CDC Reports: First Chikungunya case acquired in the United States reported in Florida

Seven months after the mosquito-borne virus chikungunya was recognized in the Western Hemisphere, the first locally acquired case of the disease has surfaced in the continental United States. The case was reported today in Florida in a male who had not recently traveled outside the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is working closely with the Florida Department of Health to investigate how the patient contracted the virus; CDC will also monitor for additional locally acquired U.S. cases in the coming weeks and months.

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Five Things You Didn’t Know About Alzheimer’s Disease

Five Things You Didn’t Know About Alzheimer’s Disease

CNN — Approximately 44 million people live with dementia worldwide, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. By 2050, that number is expected to more than triple to 115 million.

In the fight against these fast-growing numbers, experts from all over the world discussed the latest research at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, this week.

Here are five things we learned about Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia:

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Santa Maria Medicine