Saline Therapy: Hydration Found to Be a Powerful Tool in Treatment of Dysautonomia (POTS)

Saline Therapy: Hydration Found to Be a Powerful Tool in Treatment of Dysautonomia (POTS)

Dysautonomia is the kind of illness that comes unique to every patient. When the autonomic nervous system misfires and dysfunctions, it can leave a patient with a host of perplexing symptoms that affect nearly every major organ system in the body. From heart-pounding Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia to painful gastroparesis and disorienting migraines—this is an illness that is difficult to diagnose, and even more difficult to treat.

WEGO Health Presents: Dr. Santa Maria Answers Your Question on POTS!

WEGO Health Presents: Dr. Santa Maria Answers Your Question on POTS!

Earlier last month Dr. Santa Maria sat down with Health Advocate and Dysautonomia patient, Ilana Jacqueline, to discuss Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. Questions were sent in during the previous weeks by patients from all over the world. The just-under-an-hour program answers all your questions on everything from medications and treatments to saline therapy and Gastroparesis.


Santa Maria Medicine